PM Phạm Minh Chính receives Australian Deputy PM Richard Donald Marles

The PM believes that the visit will promote bilateral defence ties, further develop the two countries' relations, contributing to the world’s peace, prosperity and development.

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính (right) with Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Richard Marles. — VNA/VNS Photo Dương Giang

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính reiterated that Việt Nam always attached great importance to relations with Australia and highly appreciates their potential and position in the international arena.

He was speaking after meeting Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Richard Marles in Hà Nội during his official visit to Việt Nam.

PM Chính welcomed the working visit as the two countries will celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year.

The PM believes that the visit will promote bilateral defence ties, further develop the two countries' relations, contributing to the world’s peace, prosperity and development.

He expressed his delight at the strong development with cooperation documents signed between the two countries.

Political cooperation and exchange of delegations at all levels were maintained effectively.

Trade-investment cooperation has become a bright mark in the two countries’ relationship.

PM Chính highly appreciated Australia's support for Việt Nam in COVID-19 prevention and control and in peacekeeping.

He appraised defence cooperation between the two countries in overcoming war consequences and other joint work, especially the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus).

He suggested they continue work together in accordance with signed agreements, focusing on high-level visits and preparing for National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ’s official visit to Australia.

Australian Deputy PM and Defence Minister Marles congratulated Việt Nam’s remarkable development compared to 30 years ago when he also came to the country.

He said that at this meeting and via other contacts with Vietnamese people, he felt warm and sincere affection. He believes that this is the foundation for the strategic trust relationship between Australia and Việt Nam.

He proposed that next year when Việt Nam and Australia celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations, the two countries will upgrade their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

The two sides will promote the implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and other cooperation programmes.

All the work will promote cooperation between the two countries to new heights, especially in trade, investment, climate change combating, education and training, defence and security.

PM Chính welcomed Australian Deputy PM’s cooperation initiatives, wishing that in his position, he would continue to pay attention to further expand and deepen Việt Nam-Australia relations.

He hoped to strengthen political relations, promote economic, trade and investment cooperation, ensuring a common sustainable supply chain between the two countries and also in the region and in the world.

Official welcome

General Phan Văn Giang, Minister of National Defence on Friday chaired the official welcome ceremony for his Australian counterpart.

Giang sincerely thanked Australia for its support to Việt Nam in COVID-19 prevention and control.

He also thanked the country’s effective support in the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping, especially the transport of the field hospital level two to the UN Mission in South Sudan.

Giang affirmed that this was meaningful help, and it was also a testimony to each side's responsibility for common international issues.

The Australian Minister of Defence expressed his delight at the positive development of Việt Nam - Australia strategic partnership, in which he highly appreciated the two countries' defence cooperation.

He wished the relationship would rise to new heights in the near future.

The two ministers agreed both countries had effectively implemented the memorandum of understanding on defence cooperation signed in 2010 and the declaration of joint vision on promoting defence cooperation signed in 2018.

The joint work achieved many positive results, especially in high-level contacts between the two countries' defence leaders, army medicine, counter-terrorism skills, maritime security and UN peacekeeping.

The two sides affirmed that Việt Nam-Australia’s defence cooperation had great potential for development.

At the talk, the leaders also shared their assessment about international and regional situations, including safety and freedom of navigation and aviation.

They agreed to strengthen mutual support at regional and international forums.— VNS


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