Nearly 106,000 candidates come to testing sites to prepare for Hà Nội's high school exam

Although the exam procedures only started at 9 am on Friday morning, many candidates arrived early due to concerns about traffic jams and rain.

An exam invigilator explains the exam regulations for the candidates in Việt Đức High School in Hà Nội.—VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Cúc

HÀ NỘI — Nearly 106,000 candidates arrived at testing sites on Friday morning to complete necessary procedures to take the 10th-grade entrance exam for public high schools in Hà Nội, ready for the next school year.

Ten needed special support for health reasons, but many others arrived early because they worried about getting stuck in traffic jams or caught by heavy rains.

At the testing sites, the exam invigilators explained the exam regulations to the candidates. To avoid any errors in the paperwork, candidates must provide all their details, including their full name, date of birth, and the high school where they registered to study.

Statistics from the city’s Education and Training Department estimate that more than 117,000 candidates will take this year's entrance exam; nearly 106,000 candidates taking the exam for public high schools, about 11,000 candidates taking the exam for gifted schools, and more than 250 students taking take the dual-degree training programme.

A candidate finds his registration number and testing room number at a testing site of Thăng Long High School in Hà Nội.—VNA/VNS Photo Hoàng Hiếu

The city has established 201 testing sites with more than 4,500 exam rooms across all 30 districts.

The local education sector has mobilised nearly 15,500 teachers to supervise exams and more than 2,000 teachers to mark the papers. Meanwhile, 600 officials will be on hand to direct students and ensure that each exam's stages are carried out correctly.

As scheduled, candidates will take the literature test on Saturday morning, the foreign language test on Saturday afternoon and the maths test on Sunday morning.

Ten candidates receive special support

A volunteer instructs a candidate at a testing site in Hà Nội.—VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Cúc

Of the ten candidates, who will receive special support for health reasons during this year’s 10th grade entrance exam, eight had broken their arms and were unable to take the exam themselves.

For those children, test sites will arrange for an 8th-grade student to accompany each candidate on all the tests and transcribe their spoken answers onto the exam paper.

To ensure transparency during the exam process, candidates' reading will be recorded and individually monitored during the exam sessions.

Candidates' work will be submitted along with the recording file for comparison.

Additionally, two candidates needed insulin injections, and the education department has issued specific instructions to the test site managers to agree on measures to support them.

All the testing sites have completed preparations and are ready to start the exams.— VNS

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