Awards ceremony of contest “Clean river – Blue sea 2022”

The Centre for Marine Conservation and Community Development (MCD) in collaboration with local partners today held the awards ceremony of the contest “Clean River – Blue Sea 2022” at the premises of the People's Committee of Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province.

awards ceremony of contest clean river blue sea 2022

Attending the ceremony were more than 150 delegates including representatives from MCD, sponsor DOW Vietnam, national communication experts, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) of Nam Dinh province and its affiliate units Environmental Protection Sub-department, Division of Sea, Hydro-meteorology and Climate Change, Department of Education and Training, Nam Dinh Provincial Youth Union, Nam Dinh Provincial Women's Union, Giao Thuy District People's Committee and its Division of Natural Resources and Environment Department of Education and Training, Xuan Thuy National Park Management; Giao Thuy District Youth Union; related agencies, mass organizations and schools in Giao Thuy district, environmental organizations and businesses, press agencies, media experts and union members, youth and students in Giao Thuy District and in Nam Dinh Province. The ceremony was dedicated to celebrating and spreading excellent initiatives that help raise awareness among stakeholders and the community on marine environmental protection, promoting good practices in solid waste reduction, collection, sorting and treatment and reducing plastic waste in waterways, estuaries and coastal areas.

The contest "Clean River - Blue Sea 2022" was launched from October 16, 2022. Within one month from the launch, the contest organizers received 600 entries, of which 70 entries passed the preliminary round and became shortlisted for entering the second round - online interaction and jury scoring. In accordance with the contest rules, the shortlisted entries were scored with 50 percent from the online interaction scores on the contest's official fanpage and 50 percent from the expert judges' scores. The Organizing Committee consolidated the scores for final ranking.

As a result, 16 excellent contest entries with highest scores were announced and their authors were honored at the awards ceremony, including one First Prize, two Second Prizes, three Third Prizes, and 10 Consolation Prizes. The Organizing Committee also honored the authors of the entries that met special criteria.

awards ceremony of contest clean river blue sea 2022

At the awards ceremony, Ms. Ho Thi Yen Thu, Standing Deputy Director of MCD, remarked: “Marine plastic waste pollution is a severe issue whose solution requires great collective efforts. A majority of the marine plastic waste is originated from inland and transmitted into the sea through waterways. The contest "Clean River - Blue Sea 2022" aims to promote attention, understanding and mobilize participation of stakeholders, youth and local communities in environmental protection activities, reducing plastic waste; promote the practice and spread of solutions and tools to increase the efficiency of waste collection, sorting, treatment, and reduction in the rivers and coastal areas; contribute to more effective solid waste management and reduction of plastic waste pollution in the river and marine environment of Nam Dinh province. MCD is very happy that the contest has attracted the participation of many Nam Dinh people, especially the youth, who love their homeland and have good awareness and responsibility of environmental protection, have contributed their practial and feasible initiatives. These are invaluable sources of inputs for implementing the Marine Plastic Waste Management Action Plan of Nam Dinh Province and Vietnam.”

At the ceremony, Mr. Pham Van Son, Director of Nam Dinh DONRE, stated “On behalf of the organizers of the Contest “Clean River - Blue Sea 2022” in Nam Dinh, we would like to thank the support and cooperation of agencies and organizations in Nam Dinh province and Giao Thuy District for promoting and spreading the contest to the youth union members and the people in Nam Dinh. We especially appreciate the efforts of MCD and the support of donors for environmental protection in Nam Dinh. We believe that the contest has contributed to promoting the community's awareness and positive actions toward solid waste management and combating plastic waste pollution. After the competition, we will create favorable conditions for the contest initiatives to be put into practice.”

This activity was organized within the framework of the project “Strategic Plastic Litter Abatement in the Red River” funded by Ocean Conservancy, and the affiliated component “Youth led initiatives in raising awareness and promoting action of key stakeholders and coastal communities for reducing plastic pollution in Nam Dinh Province” funded by DOW Vietnam, implemented by MCD in coordination with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) of Nam Dinh and other local partners.



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