“Internet of Trust” required to combat rising cyber threats: conference

Experts have emphasised the need for “robust measures” and “enhanced authentication systems” to effectively combat the increasing cyberthreats at the 2023 VNNIC Internet Conference held in HCM City on Friday.

Dương Anh Đức, vice chairman of the Cao Bang Province People’s Committee, speaks at the 2023 VNNIC Internet Conference in HCM City on Friday. VNA/VNS Photo

HCM CITY — Experts have emphasised the need for “robust measures” and “enhanced authentication systems” to effectively combat the increasing cyberthreats at the 2023 VNNIC Internet Conference held in HCM City on Friday.

Nguyễn Hồng Thắng, director of the Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC), proposed the concept of an “Internet of Trust,” which emphasises robust measures and enhanced authentication systems to ensure cybersecurity. 

As technology continues to advance, the protection of personal data and defence against online threats are of utmost importance, he said.

To achieve this, it is vital to enhance collaboration between governments, organisations and individuals to establish a “secure digital ecosystem,” he said.

Hồ Trọng Đạt, deputy director of the Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group-owned Information Security Center, said the digital platform acts as an “immune system” safeguarding the vital information security of governments and people, helping preserve trust and integrity in society.

Dương Anh Đức, vice chairman of the city People’s Committee, said the internet has revolutionised communications, learning and business processes and connected people globally, fostering ideas and driving economic growth.

The city prioritises cyber resilience and would establish principles and strategies for “Internet Governance in the Smart Era” to ensure transparent governance structures, he promised.


Experts recommended integrating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning into defence mechanisms.

By staying ahead of threats and adapting constantly, individuals could establish a strong line of defence against cyberattacks, they pointed out.

Besides robust cybersecurity, awareness and education to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information is also important to ensure a resilient and secure cyberspace for all, they said.

Vinton G. Cerf, vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google, spoke about the need for responsible internet usage in the smart era and the importance of building a safe and secure digital eco-system.

Innovative strategies rooted in transparency and innovation are crucial to overcoming cyberthreats.

Hoàng Long, head of Viettel Group's information technology division, said empowering users with knowledge and tools to protect themselves is imperative. 

He highlighted the importance of strong passwords, regular software updates and responsible online behaviour. 

By equipping individuals with the necessary skills, a robust network of informed and vigilant digital citizens could be created, he said.

Jia-Rong Low, vice president of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), highlighted the role of global internet governance in ensuring an inclusive and secure digital world. 

Global internet governance acts as a compass guiding an interconnected world, ensuring innovation, security and inclusivity as the world move towards a digital future that benefits all. 

According to statistics from VNNIC, Việt Nam’s internet penetration stands at 79.1 per cent and its IPv6 usage (the newest version of internet protocol) at 57.3 per cent, the 10th highest globally. — VNS


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